Monday, July 8, 2013

MM Quinze: les toilettes

Well it's about time for a Monday Minute, it's been a while! But, fair warning this may the last one for a while (again) as next week brings a new round of visitors and traveling for the next few months!!

This weeks MM is about the toilet. I'm not trying to gross you out, I promise! :)

The toilet room...very common in France. The toilet is never in the same room as the sink/tub/shower. Why? I have no idea!  All I know is that I'm glad our toilet room has its own sink. (Some don't, forcing you to walk with your germy hands to the other room.)

Toilets when you're out and about...good luck!  Our new favorite phrase before leaving the apartment to go anywhere is, "Did you go to the bathroom?"  It reminds me all too much of teaching 5 year olds, but it has become a necessity.

Unless you are a paying customer, restaurants will not let you use their bathrooms (and if you are paying then you better make use of that toilet!). If you are lucky, you will find a public toilet on your walk in the city.  But as fancy as they are, sanitizing the entire inside before the next person enters (don't take too long or you might get sanitized too!), they are difficult to find, and chances are if you do, the line will be at least a half a block long!

I now realize why that when all 3 of my French teachers have seen my water glass, they have individually remarked, "c'est très américain!" (It's very American!)

They would never dream of having a glass so large because how on earth would they find a bathroom to use after drinking so much?!?

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