Last weekend when we went to Marche President Wilson with my grandparents, we found a cool view of Sacre Coeur from the distance, so I decided I had to come back with the good camera to get a shot. This is one of my favorite things about Paris--I'm continually surprised with random views of Sacre Coeur or the Eiffel Tower all over the city.
While I was there, I, of course, had to take some photos of the Eiffel Tower and Princess Diana's tribute. Hard to believe it's been 17 years this week already! This week was a gorgeous summer week (finally!) but the clouds were weird on the day I went skies some directions, and clouds other directions.
Then I made the long bike ride over to Bastille. Our friends are moving back to the US this weekend, so as a going-away gift I made a framed collage of their apartment and neighborhood, which is what led to this somewhat random Velib Vendredi. But wow, this area was really beautiful with the parks, rooftops, etc.
Because it's on the opposite side of town from our apartment, I rarely make my way over there, but now that I know I can do it in 30-40 minutes on a bike, I think I may start going there more. Although, my legs were jelly by the time I got home--a 9 mile round trip bike ride, on top of a previous ~3 mile run and boot camp with my ladies will do that I guess!
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