Wednesday, June 3, 2015

5 Things I Will and Won't Miss the Most about Paris

Sadly, our time in Paris is quickly coming to an end. It's been an amazing ride of 2.5 years, filled with ups and downs, new friends, new experiences, and we've grown a lot. While there's a lot of things I will miss about living in Paris {and some I won't}, these are my top 5 of each. {And some of my favorite Paris photos!}

Top 5 Things I Won't Miss

1. Laundry
I know, I still have to do laundry back in the US, but at least it won't take 2-3 hours just to wash one load and then a day to air dry everything. Oh yeah, and I can't wait to have my soft, fluffy non-air dried towels more crunchy towels!

2. Playing the currency game
Any expat is well versed in the current exchange rates. Should we use our US or French card today? When should we start drawing our salary in dollars vs. euros? Did the bank correctly figure out that exchange rate when we visited Croatia? Oh yes, it will be nice to not have to think about that anymore, and just use my trusty credit card for everything. Although...the chip and PIN system in cards here in Europe is mighty nice; America please follow suit on that ASAP.

3. Prefecture Visits
The dreaded yearly visit to the prefecture; it's not possible to accurately describe the dread this conjours up when you receive your letter. From collecting the mounds of paperwork to prove you deserve to still live here {or that your husband still financially supports you} to the endless hours of waiting and trekking around town to finally receive your new card, I am happy to say au revoir to this process!

4. French Language
Yes, we have learned a lot of French while we've been here, and I feel pretty confident that I can successfully manage most situations I'm put into now. However, French will always be a frustrating language for me; primarily because of Parisians attitude toward the language. So many times, I've had people act like they can't understand me because I am mispronouncing one word. Yes, perhaps my accent isn't perfect on every word, but use some context clues about what else I'm saying and you can probably figure it out. If someone in the US wasn't a native English speaker and said "How much does this coast?" instead of "cost", I'm pretty sure I would quickly realize they're intended meaning and answer their question, rather than adamantly insisting I have no idea what they are talking about...

5. Waiting, waiting, waiting
Also known as the lack of efficiency. Sure, it's great you're giving me a 4 hour window in which you, the boiler inspector, will show up to check over my boiler for 10 minutes. But, it would be great if you could actually show up in that 4 hour time frame, rather than 2-3 hours later, or not at all. I just love being trapped in my apartment the entire day.

And yet, despite all these frustrations, I am still going to miss Paris like crazy because there are lot of really amazing things that outweigh the frustrating aspects of life here.

Top 5 Things I Will Miss
1. Picnics
Need I really say more? Why this is not more common in the US, I will never understand. You really to have to experience a picnic in Paris to understand what is so special about them. Yes, the Eiffel Tower or river setting helps, but there's just something about being outside with friends, enjoying a simple, fresh meal with a glass {or three} of wine, wasting the day or evening away.

2. Walkability
Never before have I realized how awesome it is to live in a place where a car isn't necessary. Walking, biking, or taking public transit to do errands, go out to eat, get home late at night, are game changers. This is part of the reason we chose the apartment we did back in Houston. We want to limit our driving as much as possible in car-ridden Houston!

3. Easy, Affordable Travel
It's so cheap to travel by plane and train within Europe, and since Paris is a hub for transit, you can be so many places in just a few short hours. What makes Europe so unique is that you can experience so mnay different cultures in a very small radius from where you live in Europe. We will miss the quick, cheap weekend trips we've grown accustomed to over the past few years!

4. The Beauty & Architecture
Paris really is one of the most beautiful cities, in my opinion. I love just wandering the streets, admiring the old architure and true beauty at almost every corner. Often times I had to pinch myself and ask "How is this my life?" I'm still not sure the answer to that question, but I feel so lucky to have had this experience?

5. Pastries
From pain au chocolat and croissants to tartes and macarons, my taste buds are already sad thinking about leaving it behind!

6. People
Ok, ok this is 6 things, I know, but I just couldn't choose. The ex-pat group is huge in Paris, and I am so very thankful we found this group. We have met an incredible group of friends that we will be able to call friends for life! While it's hard because friends rotate in and out frequently, we have so many amazing memories with all of them. I truly believe our experience living in Paris would not have been the same without each and every one of them. They are definitely what I will miss the most!

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