Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Hooray for Marais

Hooray for Marais!  That rhymes, for you non-French speakers out there.  Well, at least it does with an American accent in French.  Now that the weather has turned cold again, I have some time to catch up on pictures and blogging!  Several weeks ago, my friend and I took another walk around a neighborhood of Paris.  This time the Marais, and even though the weather was colder, it was still fun!  We used Frommer's walking tour as our guide.

We started at Hotel de Ville, the town hall, which I never get tired of seeing, even when it's a gray day!  In the winter there's an ice skating rink in front of it and in the summer, movies!

Next, we made our way to Eglise St-Gervaris-St-Protais.  I never really realized how many beautiful churches there are in the world until I moved to Europe.  Many people say Italy's churches are the best (and they are beautiful!), but I have to say I've stumbled upon several here that are surprisingly beautiful!
Doesn't this just make any dreary day better?

Along the way we found some more interesting sights, including some Parisian houses from the Middle ages and some salmon.  Oh, is 100 euros per kilo too much for you? :)  Apparently it's not for some people, because I found another store just like this on the other side of Paris a few days later!

Hotel de Sens--one of the few buildings left from the Middle Ages--and Hotel de Sully.

Place des Vosges was Paris's first public square and also home to Victor Hugo!

King Louie

We finished our day on rue des Rosiers, which is known for it's falafal.  Neither of us had ever had falafal before and were a little hesitant  but when we saw the crowd, tasted a sample, and then saw that Lenny Kravitz endorsed this restaurant, how could we not?!  And it was AMAZING....evidenced by the fact that I have no picture of the actual food because I ate it too fast!

1 comment:

  1. All of these beautiful pictures make we want to come out there! Wish I could find a reasonable airline ticket...
