Sunday, December 15, 2013
A Paris Noel
It seems that every new season that arrives in Paris becomes my favorite, but I have to say Christmas season may be my ultimate favorite! The lights, decorations, and festivities are everywhere and start early to put you in the Christmas spirit. {Also the fact that there's no Thanksgiving probably has something to do with it too.}
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Salon du Chocolat
Way back in late October, I visited the Salon du Chocolat, and it's exactly what it sounds like: an exhibition of chocolate. An afternoon filled with yummy sights, smells, and tastes. And believe it or not, I actually don't think it would have been possible for me to eat one bite more by the time we left (this is quite a feat, if you know me and my sweet tooth!)
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Les Bleus
I've gotten a little behind on updating this...we haven't gone on any more trips, but I forget to update all the fun things we've been doing here in Paris! I'm probably going to overwhelm you with a new post every day to try and get caught up before we leave for the States (yay!!)
A few weeks ago we had the opportunity to go to a Paris rugby game, and it was a blast!
Friday, November 15, 2013
Berlin: A little history, a little winter, and lots of fun
And for the second weekend in a row, it was a three day holiday weekend in France. How can you pass that up? This weekend we went north and east for a winter weekend in Berlin. We had a blast exploring history and having many laughs with three other couples we are friends with here in Paris. Be sure to check out all of our Berlin pictures here.
Berlin Wall,
Cold War,
Martin Luther,
Friday, November 8, 2013
Barcelona: Perfect Fall Getaway
This past weekend was a 3-day holiday weekend, so we decided to head to Barcelona with another couple. We could not have asked for a better weekend...the weather was sunny and warm (very different from what we left in Paris), the food was great, and it was such a relaxing weekend! Be sure to check out all of our pictures from Barcelona here.
Park Guell,
Sagrada Familia,
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
L'automne à Paris
It feels like it's been a crazy last 6 months with visitors and trips almost back to back the entire time. The past few months we've had several weeks in Paris. So what have we been up to, you might ask? Aside from relaxing, catching up on U.S. tv (aka Breaking Bad and the Office), we've also been out enjoying Paris!
Be sure to check out all of our pictures from fall in Paris here.
Be sure to check out all of our pictures from fall in Paris here.
Cooking class,
Monday, October 28, 2013
MM Dix-Sept: Permis de Conduire
I'm realizing I'm pretty terrible at these Monday Minutes, but here's finally a new one! And it's definitely, an "Ohhhhhh, France" one (similar to my prefecture post).
You would think now that we've lived here for almost 10 months that we'd be done dealing with applying for things. But no, we're finding that paperwork is never ending here in France. So here's the story of getting our permis de conduire (driver's licenses).
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Road Trip Trois: Rothenburg & Strasbourg
Feeling pretty pumped that we finally got our castle pictures, we made the drive up to Rothenburg through rain and cold!
Monday, October 21, 2013
Road Trip Deux: Bavaria & Tirol
As I mentioned in our Munich post, we arrived to lots of fog in Bavaria.
Also, I have to preface this post with the caveat that this is some of my weakest writing to date on the blog. I apologize. Sometimes it's just so exhausting going through pictures that I don't care about the writing....Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Road Trip Un: Munich & Oktoberfest
We've found something we've never done in 11.5 years as a couple...a true, long road trip! So last week we took our first road trip through Germany.
We had a great week, and even though we are convinced Bavaria is actually just German for heavy fog all the time, we still saw some awesome sights and beautiful fall colors. Nick's also ready to become German: we discovered we liked sauerkraut (is it really possible we never tasted this in Wisconsin?) and he's pretty much fluent in German after this week. While he carried on conversations with our B&B hosts, I just stared like a little kid with a smile on my face while pretending I knew what was going on. Where did my German go you ask? I have no idea....I'm just hoping my French sticks around a little longer than my German did!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Austria: Salzburg & Vienna (with lots of rain)
This past weekend we took a weekend trip to Austria to meet up with my parents who had been on a bike trip through Eastern Europe. Even though our weekend was filled with rain and clouds, they were both beautiful cities!
More pictures from the weekend here.
More pictures from the weekend here.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Friday, September 13, 2013
Cruising the Mediterranean: Part 2
So, we left off in part 1 at receiving the news that the Israel ports were canceled due to uncertainty in the Middle East. While it was probably the right call for the safety of everyone, we were pretty disappointed because first Egypt and then Israel had been our highlight for the whole trip.
After you finish reading about part 2, make sure you check out all our pictures of Greece, Turkey, and the cruise ship.
After you finish reading about part 2, make sure you check out all our pictures of Greece, Turkey, and the cruise ship.
Cruising the Mediterranean: Part 1
To round out our month of traveling, we took a 12 day, 11 night cruise to the beautiful Mediterranean We visited lots of Turkey and Greece (originally supposed to visit Egypt, and then Israel, but both of those were canceled).
We had a great 2 weeks filled with sunshine, blue skies, warm weather, and gorgeous water and beaches! And of course, gorgeous sunsets! This is just the first half, check out the second half of our trip here. And more Turkey, Greece, and cruise pictures.
We had a great 2 weeks filled with sunshine, blue skies, warm weather, and gorgeous water and beaches! And of course, gorgeous sunsets! This is just the first half, check out the second half of our trip here. And more Turkey, Greece, and cruise pictures.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Deutschland: Rhine Valley & Frankfurt
This past weekend was a typical "bridge" weekend here in France. There was a holiday Thursday, so most everyone took Friday off to "bridge" to a long weekend. We followed suit and headed to Germany.
Mosel Valley,
Rhine Valley,
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Switzerland: The Cities
We were lucky enough to spend 9 wonderful days in Switzerland the past week. I really didn't know much about Switzerland before we left except that it had mountains, chocolate, and was super expensive.
All of these things are true, but there's so much more to Switzerland also. This post is about our city adventures (Luzern, Bern, and Lausanne/Lake Geneva). Be sure to check out the mountain Switzerland edition here.
Make sure to look at all our pictures from the cities here. |
Switzerland: The Mountains
Gimmelwald & Berner Oberland |
Matterhorn |
Friday, August 2, 2013
London...quite possibly my new favorite place I've been to in Europe, and definitely my favorite big city I've been to besides Paris. It reminds me a lot of New York, and not just because they speak English! :)
Les Vacances
Since we've moved here, we keep hearing "all the locals leave in August for vacation", and while we believed this was somewhat true, we weren't quite fully prepared for the mass exodus that has seemingly happened overnight.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Tour de France
The Tour de France arrived in Paris for the final leg on Sunday, July 21st. My friend, Katie, arrived that day, and we were lucky enough to be invited to a rooftop office of a friend on the Champs Elysees to view the last 10 laps up and down the road. (Poor Nick was on a business trip and missed out on all the fun!)
Rouge, Blanc, et Bleu
July has been a busy month, but we were lucky enough to get to celebrate not just 1, but 2, red, white, and blue days this month!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Brittany & Mont St. Michel
So, I'm very behind on updating trips and only have 2 days until we leave for our next one (first world problems, I know)! So, back track a few weeks to mid-July when Nick's parents came to visit; we decided to get out of Paris for a few days and head to Brittany. No, this is not some French friend we made, it's a region in north-western France known for their crepes, cider, and beautiful countryside!
Monday, July 8, 2013
MM Quinze: les toilettes
Well it's about time for a Monday Minute, it's been a while! But, fair warning this may the last one for a while (again) as next week brings a new round of visitors and traveling for the next few months!!
This weeks MM is about the toilet. I'm not trying to gross you out, I promise! :)
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
6 Months...Oh La La!
Today officially marks the 6 month mark of living here. As I think back to that day we stepped off the plane, jet-lagged and preparing to live with an air mattress as our only piece of furniture for the next 3 weeks, it now seems like a lifetime ago. We've been able to experience so many things and meet so many awesome people since then, and I can't imagine life any other way. And at the same time, these 6 months seemed to have flown by in the blink of an eye. I'm trying not to think about how this means our time left here is shrinking! :(
Friday, June 28, 2013
Loire Valley: Castles, Wine, Countryside
First things first, don't tell a French person you went to the Val de Loire (Loire Valley) because this is apparently an American term for this area. If you don't want the French to look at you with utter confusion, then you should call this area the Val de chateaux. But, regardless of what you call it, it's an amazing place to spend a weekend! We had a blast visiting the chateaus and wineries with my parents!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
La Cuisine Paris
While the boys were out watching some more tennis, Melissa and I got to play! After enjoying Montmartre and the beautiful weather, we took a cooking class all about croissants and breakfast pastries.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Fête de la Musique
I don't think words are going to do justice to what we experienced last night at our first Fête de la Musique here in Paris. I really wish I had remembered to take some videos so you all could have experienced it first hand!
Every year on summer solstice (June 21st), the city (and others in France) fills the streets for the entire night to listen to bands and live music in the streets and welcome the arrival of summer.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Top of Paris
One of the best things about having visitors come is that you can check out things you've been wanting to do for a while!
During my parents' week-long visit to Paris, I think, subconsciously, we were on a mission to find the best possible view of Paris.
So which place has the best view? I'll let you be the judge of that...
Monday, June 17, 2013
French Open

Well, our visitors have left and it's a stormy day in Paris...time to start updating the blog. We've done a lot in the last 3 weeks, so make sure you check out all of our photos!
Our first visitors this month were our good friends, Troy & Melissa, that we met in living in Houston.
Monday, May 27, 2013
MM Quatorze: May in Paris Courtesy of the iPhone
Just a little glimpse of the last few weeks in Paris through the eyes of my iPhone. Even though it hasn't been the nicest weather (downright winter-like, in fact), we've had a blast the past few weeks with friends and events around the city. It's really starting to feel like home, which is good, because we are getting ready to welcome visitors again this weekend!!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
MM Treize: Rain, Rain, Go Away!
So, I bet you didn't know I moved to London....
Every day I check my phone and I think, "Oh yes, today will be the day that I see sun in the forecast" and instead I just see more and more rain! :( This is what I think of when I think of London weather. But I'm quickly realizing Paris weather is very similar to London weather!
I mean, I know I shouldn't be complaining, I live in a city that's still beautiful in the rain, but COME ON....weeks of rain on end and cold temperatures are not fun. It's almost June people! Right now, I'm just looking forward to Wednesday...
Every day I check my phone and I think, "Oh yes, today will be the day that I see sun in the forecast" and instead I just see more and more rain! :( This is what I think of when I think of London weather. But I'm quickly realizing Paris weather is very similar to London weather!
I mean, I know I shouldn't be complaining, I live in a city that's still beautiful in the rain, but COME ON....weeks of rain on end and cold temperatures are not fun. It's almost June people! Right now, I'm just looking forward to Wednesday...
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Italia: Cinque Terre & Lake Como
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Italia: Rome & Amalfi Coast
Thanks to the awesome French holiday schedule, we were able to take our first week-long trip this past week! I think one of the parents at school this morning put it best, "How lucky are we that we can just travel to these countries as if it's another state?" And how right she is--kids went to Monaco, Corsica, and Morocco to name a few. I'm feeling very blessed that we have this wonderful opportunity to visit so many places. Nick and I flew into Rome, headed to the Amalfi Coast, then to the Cinque Terre, and finally to Lake Como before taking the train back to Paris. It was a busy 8 days, but so much fun!! I few things I realized on this trip:
~Gelato really is the best ice cream anywhere. period.
~the French just really don't seem to care about checking
train tickets on high speed trains
~Double (and triple) check what train stations all your trains
leave from more than an hour before your train...
~it really is possible to pack everything in a backpack for 8 days!
Mine's the bigger one, but I'm still pretty proud of myself! |
~Gelato really is the best ice cream anywhere. period.
~the French just really don't seem to care about checking
train tickets on high speed trains
~Double (and triple) check what train stations all your trains
leave from more than an hour before your train...
~it really is possible to pack everything in a backpack for 8 days!
Friday, May 3, 2013
Belgium: Chocolate, Beer, and More Canals
We boarded the train Wednesday night for Brussels, and thanks to Kim's Raddison points, we were treated to a suite at the Raddison Blu. After our hotel experience in Amsterdam, we were in heaven!
This is really only 1/3 the size of the room! |
Amsterdam: Bikes, Canals, and Flowers
I'm going to attempt to catch up on my recent trips before I leave on the next one tonight (rough life, I know). So, if something doesn't make sense, it's probably because I'm in a rush! :)
My friend, Kim, and her friend, Shannon, arrived in Paris on a beautiful Saturday. After bringing us American goodies (Crystal Light, peanut butter, and contact solution--yes, it really costs 13+ euros a bottle here), we were able to explore Paris--including a little picnic!
Since they'd both been to Paris before, we left bright and early Monday morning for Amsterdam on the train.
My friend, Kim, and her friend, Shannon, arrived in Paris on a beautiful Saturday. After bringing us American goodies (Crystal Light, peanut butter, and contact solution--yes, it really costs 13+ euros a bottle here), we were able to explore Paris--including a little picnic!
Monday, April 15, 2013
MM Douze: Spring has Sprung!
Finally a new Monday Minute! But, it might have to hold you over for a while---Saturday our first visitors from the U.S. come and I'll be traveling next week with them! :)
I know the Midwest is having a hard time shaking winter, so hopefully this will give you hope of what's to come! (Texas, well....I mean, you never really had winter to start with!)
I know the Midwest is having a hard time shaking winter, so hopefully this will give you hope of what's to come! (Texas, well....I mean, you never really had winter to start with!)
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
A Very French (and American) Weekend
Once again, no Monday Minute this week because I was too exhausted from our amazing weekend in Normandy! We started the weekend by getting our carte sejours and then headed to Normandy to stay in a chateau with some friends.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Easter Weekend in Champagne
This past weekend Nick had a holiday for Easter, so after much debate and other plans falling through, we decided to head to Champagne for a short get-away. Champagne is only a little over 90 minute drive from Paris, so it was perfect! We could've taken the train, but we decided we needed an excuse to use the car for the first time.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
MM Onze: Not So Perfect Prefecture
We've heard over and over again from other ex-pats things like: "Nothing in France is easy." and "Oh, that's just France!" regarding things like moving in, dealing with any state departments, and just all around getting things done. So we moved here waiting to feel like we needed to say these phrases. But 3 months went by and everything seemed to go smoothly! People were very nice, and when we did have problems, they were either taken care of easily or so minor that we decided it wasn't worth the hassle.
But, alas, my prefecture experience finally made me say "Oh, France..."
But, alas, my prefecture experience finally made me say "Oh, France..."
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Skiing the French Alps
No Monday Minute this week, but I promise it's for good reason! :) We were skiing in the French Alps with Nick's co-workers. Isn't it beautiful?
Monday, March 18, 2013
MM Dix: la télévision
TV. We did without it for a year when we were in Houston and did just fine. But TV is much different here in France!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Hooray for Marais
Hooray for Marais! That rhymes, for you non-French speakers out there. Well, at least it does with an American accent in French. Now that the weather has turned cold again, I have some time to catch up on pictures and blogging! Several weeks ago, my friend and I took another walk around a neighborhood of Paris. This time the Marais, and even though the weather was colder, it was still fun! We used Frommer's walking tour as our guide.
Monday, March 11, 2013
MM Neuf
My last week has primarily been filled with travel plans...I know tough life I have! And I've found that even though I live in France now, much is the same!
Monday, March 4, 2013
MM Huit: Feeling Settled
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
A Walk Through Montmartre
Last week I decided I need to get out more and explore various neighborhoods now that the weather *should* be getting nicer (and maybe better my photography skills too!)
A friend that I met with AWG was nice enough to come along with me and we had an enjoyable afternoon walking the streets of Montmartre. Montmartre is really a beautiful area with many hills, wandering streets, the Sacre Coeur, and beautiful views at almost every corner.
My photos below don't do justice to the beauty of this area!
A friend that I met with AWG was nice enough to come along with me and we had an enjoyable afternoon walking the streets of Montmartre. Montmartre is really a beautiful area with many hills, wandering streets, the Sacre Coeur, and beautiful views at almost every corner.
My photos below don't do justice to the beauty of this area!
Monday, February 25, 2013
MM Sept: Kids & French
Today's Monday Minute is brought on by the laughs I had with my little kiddos at school today! Mondays are seriously my favorite day because I get to the spend the morning with 3 year olds and the afternoon with 1st graders at the bilingual school I volunteer at.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Cook'n With Class
Cook'n with Class....probably one of the best things I've done since I've been in Paris for many reasons. My friend, Val, came to town for a few days because her husband was supposed to go back to Houston for work (she lives in the Brittany region of France) and she had a friend who recommended this class.
Read on about our day of adventure and delicious food!
Monday, February 18, 2013
MM Six: The Doctor
I had my first experience with a French doctor this past week. This may be a bit of an awkward post, but I'll try to keep it comical too! :)
Monday, February 11, 2013
MM Cinq
I have learned a lot in the last month, especially the last week, about the challenges associated with cooking and baking in a country with recipes from a different country.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Italia Part 2 (Florence & Venice)
After driving through the scenic countryside of Italy, we arrived in Florence. Unfortunately, I came down with some kind of cold that put me a bit under the weather, but I tried not to let it ruin our sight-seeing!
Buongiorno Italia! (Milan & Verona)
Our first trip to Italy was a success! Even though it was a little last minute and not fully planned, we had a great time. It is crazy to think that only a little over a month ago, I had never been to Europe, and one month later I've visited 5 cities! Feeling very blessed that we have this opportunity for so much traveling!
We started in Milan, made a quick side trip to Verona, then onto Florence, and finally Venice. Busy but so worth it! :)
We started in Milan, made a quick side trip to Verona, then onto Florence, and finally Venice. Busy but so worth it! :)
Monday, February 4, 2013
MM 4: Coins & French
I almost forgot it was Monday! Just got back from our Italy trip today (post on that coming soon), so it was a busy day filled with laundry and grocery shopping, exciting, I know.
Todays tidbits are travel related:
*Coin purses are essential here but incredibly hard to find! In America when we get change at a store, I'm sure we all do the same thing: throw it in a pocket, a cup holder of the car, or eventually find it in the bottom of the couch. Little thought is given to it (unless you finally round it up and take it to a coinstar machine). Here, I hold onto change like no other! It is not uncommon to have 10-15 euros (or more) of change at a time since the smallest bill here is 5 euros. Takes a little getting used to, and I'm pretty sure cashiers could rip me off if they wanted to because I still have no idea which coin is which when they hand me a pile! The strangest part is that I looked in about 10 stores before I even found a coin purse. What do Europeans do? Maybe they just prefer to find $20 in the couch compared to our $2, I don't know!
*I never thought I would be so happy to hear French. Even though the majority of French still sounds completely foreign to me, I found myself drawn to everything written in French while in Italy. And if I heard someone speaking French? It felt like I was at home! I think this must be a good sign, right? (I'll just choose to ignore the fact that when I went to buy my train ticket home from the Paris airport today, I froze for about 2 minutes, completely forgetting how to speak any French!)
Todays tidbits are travel related:
*Coin purses are essential here but incredibly hard to find! In America when we get change at a store, I'm sure we all do the same thing: throw it in a pocket, a cup holder of the car, or eventually find it in the bottom of the couch. Little thought is given to it (unless you finally round it up and take it to a coinstar machine). Here, I hold onto change like no other! It is not uncommon to have 10-15 euros (or more) of change at a time since the smallest bill here is 5 euros. Takes a little getting used to, and I'm pretty sure cashiers could rip me off if they wanted to because I still have no idea which coin is which when they hand me a pile! The strangest part is that I looked in about 10 stores before I even found a coin purse. What do Europeans do? Maybe they just prefer to find $20 in the couch compared to our $2, I don't know!
*I never thought I would be so happy to hear French. Even though the majority of French still sounds completely foreign to me, I found myself drawn to everything written in French while in Italy. And if I heard someone speaking French? It felt like I was at home! I think this must be a good sign, right? (I'll just choose to ignore the fact that when I went to buy my train ticket home from the Paris airport today, I froze for about 2 minutes, completely forgetting how to speak any French!)
Monday, January 28, 2013
MM Trois: Trains & Socks
Happy Monday! It's a busy week--met some cool French and American kiddos at the school I'll be volunteering at this morning and meet some cool new friends at the first event I attended with the American Women's Group this afternoon. Just getting home now and leaving for Italy tomorrow (and not yet packed), so this is going to be short and sweet post today.
We love, love the metro system here. It is easy to use and gets you where you need to be fairly quickly. I may be such a fan in the summer when it's hot and everyone is crammed in so you have smelly, sweaty people in your face, but for now, I love it! BUT, don't throw away (or lose) your ticket after you go through the turnstile. Police randomly check trains and at stations to make sure you have a valid ticket. And if you don't--automatic fine. We're not talking about 50 bucks, even a 100 bucks, we're talking 150-300 EUROS. Yikes! Surprisingly, a large number of people still jump the turnstiles, but I'm too terrified to let go of the death grip on my ticket, let alone jump the turnstile!
I have thrown away 6 pairs of socks since I've been here. It seems like everyday when I take off my boots, there's a hole in one of them! I know I do much more walking here than I ever did in the US, but it's starting to get ridiculous! I'm about to go to the market to buy some new socks, I'm almost out. I think it's partially due to the fact that I have an abnormal big toe that curls upward, but even if you don't have a weird big toe, I'd suggest bringing lots of socks when you come to visit! :)
We love, love the metro system here. It is easy to use and gets you where you need to be fairly quickly. I may be such a fan in the summer when it's hot and everyone is crammed in so you have smelly, sweaty people in your face, but for now, I love it! BUT, don't throw away (or lose) your ticket after you go through the turnstile. Police randomly check trains and at stations to make sure you have a valid ticket. And if you don't--automatic fine. We're not talking about 50 bucks, even a 100 bucks, we're talking 150-300 EUROS. Yikes! Surprisingly, a large number of people still jump the turnstiles, but I'm too terrified to let go of the death grip on my ticket, let alone jump the turnstile!
I have thrown away 6 pairs of socks since I've been here. It seems like everyday when I take off my boots, there's a hole in one of them! I know I do much more walking here than I ever did in the US, but it's starting to get ridiculous! I'm about to go to the market to buy some new socks, I'm almost out. I think it's partially due to the fact that I have an abnormal big toe that curls upward, but even if you don't have a weird big toe, I'd suggest bringing lots of socks when you come to visit! :)
Friday, January 25, 2013
In a box. On a boat. Across the Ocean.
So most of you already know this story, but my friend Katie hasn't heard it and suggested I write a post about it after seeing the picture on Facebook. I figured we might as well get the story documented, and hey, even if you know the story, feel free to read again for a little pick-me-up.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Monday Minute Deux
Happy Monday! It's a cold, gray, rainy day here today, which means our snow will be gone by the end of the day :(
Monday Minute,
Grenelle Paris
Monday, January 14, 2013
Monday Minute
Welcome to the Monday Minute...every Monday I plan to update 2-3 "nuggets of wisdom" that I've learned since I've been here. It might be a funny story that happened to us, or it might just be something that's different from life in the U.S. Be sure to check back every Monday :)
Monday, January 7, 2013
New digs!
We are finally getting settled in around here. After a 4 day bout with jet lag (who knew how much it could mess up your body? The sleep schedule isn't what messed me up as much as my eating schedule. Lets hope this doesn't happen every time I go back and forth to the states!) I'm finally feeling normal again. We have minimal Internet (via my iPhone hotspot) until late January, so posts will probably be minimal until then!
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